How May We Assist You?
Enrol with us for a complimentary health plan consultation
Pay $5 or less for a subsidised health screening
Screen for Life - for $5 or less
Other clinic health screening packages also available
Complimentary review
Approved LPA Certificate Issuer
An LPA allows you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions and act on your behalf if you lose the mental ability to make these decisions yourself in the future.
National Childhood Immunisation Schedule
National Adult Immunisation Schedule
Influenza Vaccination
Pneumococcal Vaccination
Acute Disease
Chronic Disease
Domestic helper 6ME
Pre-employment screening
Private Hire/Taxi Driver Vocational License
Management of musculoskeletal pain or injuries
Post-operative orthopaedic management
Ambulation training
Prevention of falls
Medical advice and treatment to help with weight loss goals and weight management